Fibromyalgia - Recovery Exists

My name is Dave, I'm a 51 year old, divorced man with three amazing sons that I love very much. I've had "SEVERE" fibromyalgia for 26 years now.
I was 25 years old and I was starting franchise business's throughout the Northwest United States. I knew something was wrong with me but I did not know what. You know the feeling...when you can't really say what it is.
This is common with many people especially men. I began to acknowledge a problem when I noticed massive body aches (flu like symptoms) on a daily basis. That was in 1988 when I was SO young.
When I finally couldn't ignore it any longer I began the "doctor treadmill." I saw doctor after doctor after doctor for years. I was poked, prodded and tested...with no solutions, nor way to heal my body. Sound familiar?
This led to the ONLY answers Western Medicine could come up with and that was to put me on many different prescription drugs.
I was taking over 10 prescription drugs at one time! If one drug would not work they would just add a new drug, as if they were throwing darts at my chronic illness. I learned they call this practice is called Allopathic Reductionism. It's what happens when doctors prescribe too many prescription drugs. The side affects and interactions make well people sick and sick people sicker! I learned that most Medical Doctors don't know how to heal your body from nutritional deficiencies.
In 1991 I got married and started a family.
We just bought a new house and I was making good money in my businesses. But there was one HUGE problem, I was still fibro sick and trying to manage a very stressful schedule. Running five business's, being a full time father, husband and parent of three multiple sport athletic sons broke my body completely down.
In desperation I finally went to a pain specialist and there was a big blue book on the counter. "Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." The year was 1995...and for the first time in 7 years I knew what was wrong with me.
It was a huge relief just knowing what was wrong with me!
I was 25 years old and I was starting franchise business's throughout the Northwest United States. I knew something was wrong with me but I did not know what. You know the feeling...when you can't really say what it is.
This is common with many people especially men. I began to acknowledge a problem when I noticed massive body aches (flu like symptoms) on a daily basis. That was in 1988 when I was SO young.
When I finally couldn't ignore it any longer I began the "doctor treadmill." I saw doctor after doctor after doctor for years. I was poked, prodded and tested...with no solutions, nor way to heal my body. Sound familiar?
This led to the ONLY answers Western Medicine could come up with and that was to put me on many different prescription drugs.
I was taking over 10 prescription drugs at one time! If one drug would not work they would just add a new drug, as if they were throwing darts at my chronic illness. I learned they call this practice is called Allopathic Reductionism. It's what happens when doctors prescribe too many prescription drugs. The side affects and interactions make well people sick and sick people sicker! I learned that most Medical Doctors don't know how to heal your body from nutritional deficiencies.
In 1991 I got married and started a family.
We just bought a new house and I was making good money in my businesses. But there was one HUGE problem, I was still fibro sick and trying to manage a very stressful schedule. Running five business's, being a full time father, husband and parent of three multiple sport athletic sons broke my body completely down.
In desperation I finally went to a pain specialist and there was a big blue book on the counter. "Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." The year was 1995...and for the first time in 7 years I knew what was wrong with me.
It was a huge relief just knowing what was wrong with me!

What did the pain doctor do? He gave me a cortisone shot between the shoulder blades and sent me on my way. It didn't help AT ALL!
Five years later...I got divorced. Part of the reason my wife left me is because I hurt all the time. No matter what I tried I still had no answers to my health problems. Who said life was fair anyway?
After my divorce I got busy raising my three sons on my own. My health had deteriorated so bad I had to file for bankruptcy - twice! I had lost almost everything I owned and more than once found myself homeless with three young sons. During this time I moved 10 times in 6 years!
Local food banks and charities kept me and my boys fed for years. After losing my businesses it seemed like I couldn't keep a job. I got hired, then fired when I couldn't perform due to the pain. I had no friends, and luckily had the help of disability to barely kept a roof over our heads...thank God!
The downward spiral all began with my poor health due to fibromyalgia and prescription drugs. I reached a point where I turned to self-medication with alcohol. It wasn't long before I was drinking way too much for too many years, which only made the disease worse. Through it all I remained committed to my boys.
What was I going to do about my health I kept wondering?
I couldn't see a solution for this sickness and still had three boys to get through the teenage years! All of this stress, poor diet, lack of income and loneliness led to Severe Clinical Depression. I would sleep for days hoping the pain and misery would just go away.
I remember a cute little neighbor boy coming up to me when I was in my yard. And he asked me, "mister why don't you ever come out of your house?"
After years of this life I became suicidal and I was on a 24/7 suicide watch. Everyone who had ever attempted to help me was contacted and asked to check in on me. My Doctors, Counselors, Therapists, and even the Sheriff Department! It had gotten that bad.
The only thing that kept me going is God, hope, faith, praying my guts out...and my three sons. It felt like I was barely clinging on to dear life! One night I had completely lost all hope and I tried to drink myself to death. Last thing I remember I was laying in a back alley somewhere and I couldn't even dial 911 on my cell phone! I eventually blacked out.
Someone must have found me and called emergency services. Later I discovered that the paramedics said my heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital. I can tell you without any doubt - having SEVERE fibromyalgia - had completely wrecked my life!
Prescription Drugs nearly killed me.
When you add up all of the side effects of the prescription drugs I was taking it was clear to see that they were making me even sicker! Prescription drugs kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined every year.
My Doctor had given me a prescription to take 450 mg of this Lyrica every day. (Since that time I've yet to hear of ANYONE being given such a strong prescription.) As my body broke down my girlfriend rushed me to the ER. On the way there I said to her, "Please tell my boys I love them very much and I will see them in heaven." I truly thought I was a goner that day!
How did this common pharmaceutical almost kill me? Let's take a look at some of the side-effects and interactions.
Drug Name: Lyrica, Generic Name: Pregabalin
(Product Information Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group, New York, NY.)
Five years later...I got divorced. Part of the reason my wife left me is because I hurt all the time. No matter what I tried I still had no answers to my health problems. Who said life was fair anyway?
After my divorce I got busy raising my three sons on my own. My health had deteriorated so bad I had to file for bankruptcy - twice! I had lost almost everything I owned and more than once found myself homeless with three young sons. During this time I moved 10 times in 6 years!
Local food banks and charities kept me and my boys fed for years. After losing my businesses it seemed like I couldn't keep a job. I got hired, then fired when I couldn't perform due to the pain. I had no friends, and luckily had the help of disability to barely kept a roof over our heads...thank God!
The downward spiral all began with my poor health due to fibromyalgia and prescription drugs. I reached a point where I turned to self-medication with alcohol. It wasn't long before I was drinking way too much for too many years, which only made the disease worse. Through it all I remained committed to my boys.
What was I going to do about my health I kept wondering?
I couldn't see a solution for this sickness and still had three boys to get through the teenage years! All of this stress, poor diet, lack of income and loneliness led to Severe Clinical Depression. I would sleep for days hoping the pain and misery would just go away.
I remember a cute little neighbor boy coming up to me when I was in my yard. And he asked me, "mister why don't you ever come out of your house?"
After years of this life I became suicidal and I was on a 24/7 suicide watch. Everyone who had ever attempted to help me was contacted and asked to check in on me. My Doctors, Counselors, Therapists, and even the Sheriff Department! It had gotten that bad.
The only thing that kept me going is God, hope, faith, praying my guts out...and my three sons. It felt like I was barely clinging on to dear life! One night I had completely lost all hope and I tried to drink myself to death. Last thing I remember I was laying in a back alley somewhere and I couldn't even dial 911 on my cell phone! I eventually blacked out.
Someone must have found me and called emergency services. Later I discovered that the paramedics said my heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital. I can tell you without any doubt - having SEVERE fibromyalgia - had completely wrecked my life!
Prescription Drugs nearly killed me.
When you add up all of the side effects of the prescription drugs I was taking it was clear to see that they were making me even sicker! Prescription drugs kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined every year.
My Doctor had given me a prescription to take 450 mg of this Lyrica every day. (Since that time I've yet to hear of ANYONE being given such a strong prescription.) As my body broke down my girlfriend rushed me to the ER. On the way there I said to her, "Please tell my boys I love them very much and I will see them in heaven." I truly thought I was a goner that day!
How did this common pharmaceutical almost kill me? Let's take a look at some of the side-effects and interactions.
Drug Name: Lyrica, Generic Name: Pregabalin
(Product Information Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group, New York, NY.)
Accidental injury
Bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet Blurred vision Burning, tingling, numbness or pain in the extremities Change in walking and balance Clumsiness Confusion Constipation Delusions Dementia |
Difficulty with speaking
Double vision Dry mouth Fever Headache Hoarseness Increased appetite Lack of coordination Loss of memory Lower back or side pain Painful or difficult urination Problems with memory |
Problems with or coordination
Rapid weight gain Seeing double Sensation of pins and needles Shakiness and unsteady walk Sleepiness or unusual drowsiness Sstabbing pain Sswelling Tingling of the hands or feet Trembling Unusual weight gain or loss |

At this point I had lost all hope. I was at my wits end. I thought daily about how I was going to take my life. Living just wasn't worth it if I had to live the rest of my life this way. When you are very sick, broke, loss of hope, living in poverty and isolated from the world not a lot of people want to be around you. It brings back so many awful memories and bad feelings and hurts so much to write this letter and re-live the past.
I realized I had to take PERSONAL responsibility for my health.
I made a decision to do my own research and somehow find a natural solution to fibromyalgia, severe clinical depression, prescription drugs, (many bad docs) alcoholism, arthritis and obesity. It was either DO or DIE for me!
My mind was now open and ready to find a solution. It was at this time that my very dear friend Cliff told me about this amazing, very knowledgeable man that had decades of research and some answers about my health issues. To be honest, Cliff had been trying for months and I had ignored his phone calls, voice mails and emails. I see now that I wasn't ready until that moment.
I'm so glad he was persistent and didn't give up on me!
He told me that about this man that had cured and treated 900 diseases and illness's (naturally) in livestock and exotic animals and found that a similar approach works on people. In livestock firbromyalgia is called "stiff lamb disease," and they know how to cure it!
There is a happy ending to my story!
I am so excited to say I now have natural answers to my fibromyalgia! I am extremely happy for the first time in over two decades!!! This has been a HUGE breakthrough and I have been in recovery from fibromyalgia for 4 months now! I've not been this healthy or felt this good in literally decades! I'm SO HAPPY NOW!!!
I realized I had to take PERSONAL responsibility for my health.
I made a decision to do my own research and somehow find a natural solution to fibromyalgia, severe clinical depression, prescription drugs, (many bad docs) alcoholism, arthritis and obesity. It was either DO or DIE for me!
My mind was now open and ready to find a solution. It was at this time that my very dear friend Cliff told me about this amazing, very knowledgeable man that had decades of research and some answers about my health issues. To be honest, Cliff had been trying for months and I had ignored his phone calls, voice mails and emails. I see now that I wasn't ready until that moment.
I'm so glad he was persistent and didn't give up on me!
He told me that about this man that had cured and treated 900 diseases and illness's (naturally) in livestock and exotic animals and found that a similar approach works on people. In livestock firbromyalgia is called "stiff lamb disease," and they know how to cure it!
There is a happy ending to my story!
I am so excited to say I now have natural answers to my fibromyalgia! I am extremely happy for the first time in over two decades!!! This has been a HUGE breakthrough and I have been in recovery from fibromyalgia for 4 months now! I've not been this healthy or felt this good in literally decades! I'm SO HAPPY NOW!!!
- I love to play the drums - Fibromyalgia took that away from me for years. Now I'm able to play my drums for hours every day!
- I am back in the business world and own my own business again!
- I go to my sons sporting events!
- I love to fish, hike the outdoors, play sports and practice MMA!
- I have a social life, relationships and a renewed love life!
- I am restoring a 1964 Dodge Dart Gt. with my son.
- I can do what I love: riding my moped, basketball, ping pong, wrestling and boxing.
- I even made a golf course in my yard!

My fibromyalgia is under control for the first time in my life and I feel amazingly good!!!
I don't suffer from Severe Clinical Depression anymore and it's gone! I've lost 80 pounds and down to my high school weight. I've learned how to naturally get rid of fibromyalgia for good!!! I've also learned how to get rid of my very painful arthritis in my left shoulder for good.
Also I'm ecstatic to say I'm off 9 prescription drugs and down to just one prescription drug now after 4 months of recovery. I have conquered alcoholism. I thought I was doomed for a life filled with prescription drugs, alcoholism, massive physical pain, severe depression, bad docs, and misery.
God does answer prayers - I truly believe that. I've learned that Nutraceuticals work much better than Pharmaceuticals. Nobody is born with fibromyalgia and it's not a genetic disease. If you give your body the raw materials it will repair itself. Our bodies are the best physicians - we simply need to give them what they need!
I don't suffer from Severe Clinical Depression anymore and it's gone! I've lost 80 pounds and down to my high school weight. I've learned how to naturally get rid of fibromyalgia for good!!! I've also learned how to get rid of my very painful arthritis in my left shoulder for good.
Also I'm ecstatic to say I'm off 9 prescription drugs and down to just one prescription drug now after 4 months of recovery. I have conquered alcoholism. I thought I was doomed for a life filled with prescription drugs, alcoholism, massive physical pain, severe depression, bad docs, and misery.
God does answer prayers - I truly believe that. I've learned that Nutraceuticals work much better than Pharmaceuticals. Nobody is born with fibromyalgia and it's not a genetic disease. If you give your body the raw materials it will repair itself. Our bodies are the best physicians - we simply need to give them what they need!

Thanks again Cliff for hanging in there with me! You are what a true friend is all about! You may have saved my life!
I want to pass on what I've learned to everyone reading this post. I've documented the exact Nutraceutical program that has cured me from all of these problems. I've created a special report that is yours FREE. Just click here!
Happily yours,
Dave Randall
Nutraceutical Researcher
Health Investment Group
Dr. Wallach and Clemson University
I want to pass on what I've learned to everyone reading this post. I've documented the exact Nutraceutical program that has cured me from all of these problems. I've created a special report that is yours FREE. Just click here!
Happily yours,
Dave Randall
Nutraceutical Researcher
Health Investment Group
Dr. Wallach and Clemson University