Nutrition: Good -vs- Bad
Food Affects Survey
Food Allergy Survey
Good/Bad Food Checklist
Free - Health Seminars
Acid Reflux
Create Relationships
Migraines & Headaches
Restless Leg Syndrome
Seminar - Cholesterol
Seminar - Diabetes
Seminar - Insomnia
Seminar - Wisdom of the Body
Weight Loss & Sickness
Solutions for Common Ailments
Food Allergy Survey
Do you have unexplained health problems?
Complete the survey below
and receive an analysis of your
body's response to
food allergens!
Check all that apply
#1 Do you have:
Knee, Shoulder, Joint Pain
Back Pain, Neck Pain
Stiff shoulders, Headaches
Numbness, foot/arm fall asleep
Trouble getting to sleep
Bleeding gums, cavities
Kidney Stones, bone spurs
High or low blood pressure
I take pain killers for above
I take blood pressure meds
None of the above
Check all that apply
Anything else you would like to improve about your health?
More energy
Lose weight
Greater stamina
Prevent cancer
Slow the aging process
Prevent hereditary heart disease
None of the above
#2 Do you have:
Dry Skin, dry cuticles
Skin allergies
Cracks on your heels
Forget things you go get
Can't remember a specific word
Trouble breathing
Cough, dry throat
Tiredness, Kidney problems
Eye or eyesight issues
Ages spots, blemishes
Grey hair, wrinkles, early aging
I take Cholesterol meds
I take blood thinners
I take hormones
I take Fibro/MS medication
I take diuretics
I take Alzheimer, ALS, Parkinson meds
None of the above
Check all that apply
#3 Do you have:
Cravings for sugar, sweets
Get sleepy after meals
Excessive thirst or sweating
Sweat after eating
Wake up during the night
Become weak if you don't eat
I take blood sugar medication
I take depression meds
I take meds for ADD/ADHD
None of the above
Check all that apply
I would like to be...
Pain Free
NOT moody or sad
More optimistic
More patient
More courageous
More outgoing
More confident
None of the above
#4 Do you have:
Heart burn/Acid reflux
Stomach/intestinal pain
Food allergies
Seasonal allergies
Constipation or Diarrhea
Immune System Problems
I feel better when I don't eat
I take Ant-Acids or stomach meds
I take meds for Chron's disease
I take immune system meds
I take fiber/medication for constipation
None of the above
Check all that apply
Indicates required field
Where do you want us to send
your analysis?
Phone Number
Who referred you?
Send me my Free PDF analysis!